What does counselling cost?

The fee for each counselling session is £70 and sessions are 50 minutes long.

You can book an introductory session for £30.  This initial session is a session of up to 50 minutes when we would meet to find out if I’m the right therapist for you. I would tell you how I work and take some details from you – basic information and your reasons for coming to counselling. We would also discuss confidentiality and you would have an opportunity to ask any questions you have.  I would give you a copy of my contract to look at later as part of your decision to continue or not. Here is an example of my Counselling Contract.

This session is without obligation. I won’t ask you if you wish to book further sessions. You can think about it and decide in your own time.  If we decide that we could work well together, we would then contract for a number of sessions or for open ended work, which we can review regularly. We would also agree the days and times of the sessions.

Each session should be paid for at the time of the session by cash, card,  or BACS please.